How was this data created?
How did you ensure the data is reliable?
How often will the Global Plastic Watch be updated?
How recent is the information shown on this map?
Does Global Plastic Watch have data for every country?
Does Global Plastic Watch distinguish between managed and unmanaged waste?
How accurate is the data displayed on GPW
What kinds of data is available on GPW?
How do I access the underlying data?
How do I cite GPW as a data source?
How does GPW define key terms?
One point of information shown in the API (GPW’s application) is the total population in an area. Does this give a conclusion about the amount of plastic produced in that area?
Does GPW distinguish between different types of plastic waste?
I think I spotted an error, how can I get in touch?
I’m experiencing difficulty with the site. What should I do?
How are countries defined?